Hotel Equinoxe - Dimbokro, Côte d’Ivoire

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Nom de l'entreprise
Hotel Equinoxe
Dimbokro, BP 99, Côte d’Ivoire
Heures de travaille
  • Lundi: 24 hours
  • Mardi: 24 hours
  • Mercredi: 24 hours
  • Jeudi: 24 hours
  • Vendredi: 24 hours
  • Samedi: 24 hours
  • Dimanche: 24 hours
À propos de
Hotel Equinoxe in Ivory Coast is an upscale boutique hotel located in the heart of Abidjan, the economic capital of the Ivory Coast. This hotel offers luxurious accommodation, inspired by traditional African design and modern European features. The hotel boasts a variety of amenities, including a large outdoor swimming pool, a fitness center, spa, and sauna. The hotel also has several restaurants and bars, offering a wide variety of international cuisine. Guests can enjoy a variety of activities, from sightseeing to relaxing on the beach. At Hotel Equinoxe, guests can expect a pleasant stay with convenient access to the city's attractions. With its modern amenities and traditional African decor, Hotel Equinoxe is the perfect place for travelers to relax and enjoy the unique culture of the Ivory Coast.


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