Sivomar - Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
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Nom de l'entreprise
Zone 2b, Rue Des Charpentiers, Treichville, 01 BP 1395, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
+225 21 24 12 00
À propos de
SIVOMAR is a leading distribution and trading company located in Ivory Coast. Established in 1987, it is a reliable and trusted partner for all types of businesses operating in the country. The company has a wide range of products in its portfolio and offers an efficient and cost-effective way of importing and exporting goods. SIVOMAR has a team of knowledgeable and experienced staff who are dedicated to providing excellent customer service and quality products. With its extensive network of contacts and resources, SIVOMAR has become a preferred partner for many businesses in Ivory Coast. Through its commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, SIVOMAR has earned a strong reputation as one of the leading distributors and traders in the country. With its dedication to quality and customer service, SIVOMAR is the perfect partner to help your business succeed in the Ivorian market.
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