Club des hommes d'affaires - Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
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Nom de l'entreprise
Club des hommes d'affaires
Plateau Immeuble Ccia 1er Étage, 20 BP 626, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
+225 20 21 58 55
À propos de
Club des hommes d'affaires in Ivory Coast is an organization that seeks to empower business leaders in the country. It strives to create a community of empowered entrepreneurs and business owners who can support each other, share their experiences, and foster growth and success. The club provides a platform for networking and training events, access to resources and mentorship, and a forum for discussing strategies to enhance business performance. Through its programs, Club des hommes d'affaires in Ivory Coast seeks to provide the tools and resources necessary to ensure businesses thrive in the dynamic economic environment of Ivory Coast. With its focus on developing the skills of business leaders, the club is committed to making Ivory Coast a hub of economic opportunity and prosperity.
By providing resources and support to its members, Club des hommes d'affaires in Ivory Coast is helping to create a brighter future for the country's entrepreneurs and business owners. In short, Club des hommes d'affaires in Ivory Coast is dedicated to helping business leaders reach their full potential and create a better future for Ivory Coast.Activités d'affaires
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